I’m excited to see what’s in store for 2024, but I’m not trying to put too much stress on myself. Life is crazy enough without adding extra pressure.. I cannot WAIT for Whisper!

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I'm so excited about Shelly's book (notice the new pretty cover, someone super special made it just for our favorite southern girl!). Whisper might be the last book in Lords of Khaos: Ironwood. But Peach will be kicking off Lords of Kahos: Brave New World! I can't wait to dig into Peach's story. I'm not saying she's based on my favorite Peach, but... 🤭💜💋

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Nope - new year, same sh*t, different day. I do start new tracking for the business, though - but that's a THEM thing, not a me thing.

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I used to feel a heavy weight at this time of year. Like if I didn’t make my NY resolutions big picture enough my life would slowly fade away.

Then, a while back, I decided I wouldn’t take on anymore NY resolutions just for the sake of them.

(I realized I piled enough expectation on my own shoulders on the regular so I didn’t need to add it a big load of it at the end/beginning of a new year as well!)

This year, I was introduced to the concept of glimmers and micro-goals (which constantly evolve). I’m loving that that energy into my new year. The act of hunting for glimmers--naming and claiming them out loud when I discover them or just holding them close for a moment--is bringing me joy in and of itself 🤭

These tiny glimmers are helping me to train my brain to start searching for the wee moments of joy and stillness to be found in my everyday life... and I’m loving it.

Hope you find a glimmer today that brightens your day, my beautiful friend.


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1. Squee! Thanks for sharing my novella. I hope your people love it. Especially that hot new cover.

2. I’m with you. Resolutions in the middle of winter? Nope. No thank you. I make one (just one) in April on my birthday.

3. I’m with y’all I need Whisper’s story as soon as I can get it.



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