Oh lovely! Thank you so much for the Whisper shout-out! I love you my book wife, have a blessed imbolc. Spring is coming, and I know it's going to bring great things.

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Blessed Imbolc! I’m reading Nicole’s (Ruth Ryan) newest book and they just explained/ talked about Imbolc, love that people who might not know can learn! Biker Bear is so good, I couldn’t put it down.. and Kat made my day by sending me Whispers ARC this morning .. *Squee* I’ve been thinking about you friend, hope you are well.. love you!

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The earth is waking up! Blessed Imbolc, lovey.

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Love the gorgeous picture you chose to represent Imbolc. It’s making me homesick for Seattle life too... I loved the fresh feeling of early spring as the frost and snow gave way to a new year.

So grateful to you for not only your love & support as a friend but also for when you apply your heart, mastery of language and storytelling to my work as an editor.

Let’s get together for another epic story chat while I stand distracted at the coffee machine soon...

🤭 🍑 ☕️ 🦔 🥰

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